Neighborhood Information
Join the neighborhood google group email list! If you are a property owner, tenant, or a business owner in the neighborhood, we encourage you to join our google group email distribution list. Click here to contact Jen Mowrer or by email to join.

Neighborhood Park
This .8 acre neighborhood park features a play area for children & a gazebo, perfect for enjoying a book under the shade of the trees.
So ride your bicycle or push a stroller through the neighborhood and over to the park, enjoy a picnic, let the kids romp around & then enjoy the stroll back home. The park is located at 808 Eleanor Street.

Fourth & Gill Little Free Libraries
Neighbors may remember our first Little Library on the 1100 block of Luttrell St. When this library fell into disrepair in addition to needing a new location, the neighborhood organization allocated funds for a new Little Library. Dan Howett and Gordon Coker took this challenge and ran with it. They worked for months on design ideas and construction.

Dan proposed installing 2 libraries, side-by-side, one for children and one for young adults and older. Kimberly Lukacz used left-over paint to complete the look of the two miniature houses built to store and display books. Relocation was another initial obstacle. But Carol Nickle, on the corner of Luttrell and Lovenia, offered us the perfect spot. Thanks to Carol for letting the neighborhood install the new little libraries on the corner of her property. Another source of help has been Bess Connally. A librarian by profession, Bess registered our Little Libraries on the “Free Little Libraries” website so they can be found. She also helped stock the libraries and keeps them looking good (as only a librarian can!). When you’re out for a walk, stop by. You might find the perfect book for your next read. When you’ve finished a good book, or you need to thin out your bookcase, consider dropping off some books at the Little Libraries. (Note that neighbors Susan and Remy on the north end of Eleanor also installed a Free Little Library for children, so children can find books on either end of the neighborhood).
Neighborhood Parking
Given its historic nature, many homes in Fourth & Gill were built before the advent of the automobile. Some homes feature carriage houses and other driveways but whether you are a resident or visitor to the neighborhood, some street parking is appropriate; however, please be advised that Knoxville parking ordinances are enforced within the Fourth & Gill neighborhood.

Trash Collection
Friday (typically in the morning hours)​

​Curbside Recycling
Every other Friday. To receive a recycling cart or view schedule, click here to visit the City of Knoxville website for information. You can also send a message if your address was missed.

Brush Collection
Service area crews collect brush and other household yard waste every other week from March to October. Place brush in 6’x6’x6′ pile. Keep separate from other trash and place within 5 feet of the street. Click here to view the calendar.
Leaf Collection
The leaf collection season runs from November through February. During this period, the normal two-week brush schedule is suspended, and all Public Service Department resources concentrate on collecting leaves throughout our community. Crews typically use the last week of February to transition equipment from leaf to brush collection.

Please rake your leaves into rows at the edge of the street in an unobstructed area for easy collection. Leaves raked to the alley are collected last.
Leaves are collected separately from garbage and recycled into mulch. The plastic bags used to hold bagged leaves compromise the mulching process so all leaves should be loose. Only bagged leaves that can be placed inside your trash cart will be collected under the residential trash program. Bagged leaves next to the trash will not be collected as they are not considered bulky waste. Bulky waste pickup is reserved for household trash items too large to fit inside the garbage cart, such as a chair, shelving, or file cabinet. Click on this link to arrange for a pickup.

Residents of Fourth & Gill vote at Central United Methodist Church, 201 East Third Avenue. Visit this website for voter-related links.
Neighborhood Meetings
The Fourth & Gill Board Meetings happen on the third Monday of each month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the Central United Methodist Church, 201 East Third Avenue.